Hi Flock! Can you feel it? Giddy Delight?
A lot of us will soon be seeing our Mustangs for the first time in a long time.
I can't believe it will have been 11 weeks without seeing his smiling face (well it might have been a little longer since he dropped his Hipster Smile Blocker to grace us with an actual smile, but you know what I mean).
We only had one weekend where we asked to come up (and watch some CP VB). He told us he was too busy, but it didn't hurt too bad. He was better about texting us fairly frequently.
I'm thinking that between the 11-weeks and our further hands-off approach, the launched bird is feeling demonstrably independent.
The imminent return feels especially comforting and exciting after a very stressful couple of weeks.
Yay, frinkin' YAY!
For those of you who aren't getting to see your kids soon, I hope the joy bursting from similar posts is comfort for you. I know this group lifts me up, like ALL the time. And now we're starting to see the fresh excitement of new family (what will a second year with this Flock feel like? More joy, I'm sure).
❤ ❤ ❤