I am infuriated (again) that I have to witness - every damn day - this dumb fucking horse loose in the hospital smashing baby incubators with its hooves. My choices: become inured or act.
I will act.
I will route my daily-replenished righteous anger to try to take Congress back in 2026.
I have a career of systems analysis and "clarifying" writing. And while I would rather not venture into the chaos, ambiguity, ill-will, and bad actors that is politics, I see no other salve for the daily salting of my wounds.
I have not ventured into political outreach because I didn't think I could make a difference - and I had a modicum of trust in the system.
At this point I don't care if I can make a difference, but I unable to not try.
It is better to strive nobly for Good, and fail, than to be wildly successful for something irrelevant (or worse).
We must strive to protect the middle and lower classes. If the Dems' message does not resonate with them and the Republicans don't truly represent them (mass deportations is not a "grown up solution"; it's vote-bait), we must forge a viable, fair platform that does resonate with the masses.
As much as I hate to say this, if the people who are hurting are primarily motivated by fear and "targeting" a boogeyman, than we need to be clear about who is really crippling their well-being. Hint: it's not the powerless, and it's not their neighbor.
Eat the Rich may be hyperbole, but
- they anointed Trump and Vance,
- funded "think tanks" and media to focus, amplify and normalize their bias as "the American narrative",
-- fomenting division among brethren
-- scripting narratives away from their culpability (scapegoating the powerless)
- and have skewed our tax laws to speed the flow of wealth UPWARD to them.
I hate to admit, but I knew this was the case, and I did nothing.
Trump 2.0 is unforgivable. A cruel divisive overreach that will offend all my sensibilities every damned day.
I choose to act. For Good. For decency. For my neighbor.
I am not alone. Soon many more will be joining.
Let's be ready for them.
Time to Act
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- Category: Politics