Ahh. One year (and one (subtle) haircut) ago... What a year.
The first year of parenting that seems to have flown by. Short in duration but still packing a world-class emotional roller coaster - pride, joy, aching, longing, pining, comfort...
We pick him up this weekend for a summer that will be the closest to "normal" than we've had in a year. A normal that will be different from the past, a normal that may never recur (in quantity or quality).
I'm so grateful for the opportunity, for the time, for the deepened understanding of how precious it all is.
Thank you, Mustang Parents. From the moment I joined this group I felt connections. A connection to my son's future home (his second address ever!). A connection to him (by proxy (he shares little)). These were huge connections that helped keep me sane.
The connection to YOU, kindred parents, especially those launching your first or only bird... I had no idea how much of my depleted heart you would fill. You were always there when I needed to feel connected. My words fail in describing how important you've been.
Thank you deeply.
If y'all have seen that internet thing, you know how much toxicity is out there. There is zero of that here and that is not by happenstance. The Admins here do an amazing job of keeping this Group as supportive as it is. It takes vision and commitment - they are exemplary. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
May your summer allow you to get off the roller coaster and relax for a while - before we start clanking up that big first hill to do it all again in September.
My heart is full, again. Thank you.